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Your Radiation This Week – Veterans Today May 15th 2015

Original Post on VT here.

Your Radiation This Week #7

May 8 to May 15, 2015

(San Francisco) May 15, 2015 – Good Day, this is “Your Radiation This Week.” These are the recorded Radiation Highs that affected people this week around the United States and in your neighborhood.

Let’s get right to it.

*Listed in Counts per Minute, a Count is One Radioactive Decay Registered by the Instrument. Partial Counts are noted. Uncounted radiation would make the Count higher.

496 CPM Concord, NH Gamma and Beta Radiation Combined CPM. WELCOME – NEW TO LIST
318 CPM Boston, MA Partial Radiation Data Only.
175 CPM New York City Partial.
388 CPM Raleigh, NC Partial.
279 CPM Atlanta, GA Partial.
450 CPM Miami, FL Partial.
202 CPM Chicago, IL Partial.
575 CPM Ft Wayne, IN Gamma and Beta Radiation Combined CPM.

175 CPM Indianapolis, IN Partial
404 CPM Lincoln, NE, Gamma and Beta Radiation Combined CPM.
251 CPM Des Moines, IA Partial.
401 CPM Aberdeen, SD Partial.
507 CPM Rapid City, SD Partial.
300 CPM Kansas City, KA Partial.
297 CPM Tulsa, OK Partial.

533 CPM Little Rock, AR Gamma and Beta Radiation Combined CPM.
277 CPM Dallas, TX Gamma and Beta Radiation Combined CPM.
485 CPM San Angelo, TX Gamma and Beta Radiation Combined CPM.
273 CPM Lubbock, TX Partial.
375 CPM South Valley, NM Partial.
576 CPM Albuquerque, NM Gamma and Beta Radiation Combined CPM.
430 CPM Grand Junction, CO Partial.

712 CPM Billings, MT Partial.
523 CPM Phoenix, AZ Gamma and Beta Radiation Combined CPM.
854 CPM Tucson, AZ Gamma and Beta Radiation Combined CPM. HIGHEST
154 CPM Las Vegas, NV Partial.
545 CPM San Diego, CA Partial.
723 CPM Bakersfield, CA  Gamma and Beta Radiation Combined CPM.
313 CPM Los Angeles, CA Partial.
216 CPM San Francisco, CA Partial.
459 CPM Spokane, WA Partial

Across the United States from East to West and North to South, this is Your Radiation This Week.

Where are the Alphas ?

Alpha radiation is not mentioned in the EPA or EPA derived websites. The best measurement of Alpha radiation is most often from your own Monitor, often called a Geiger Counter. The Monitors are widely available and quite legal to own in the States.

Other than that the Alphas have largely gone missing in official or reports derived from official data. That means that all of the measurements in Your Radiation This Week are lower than the radiation actually is. The numbers are lower since they are taken from the “official” numbers. Since this is a known fact, not a hypothetical, you are urged to be Alert.

Alpha Rays from a Radioactive Particle in Lung Tissue

This is a picture of a radioactive particle’s radioactive tracks in the lung of an ape. These are the tracks of Alpha radiation over a period of 48 hours from a particle of Plutonium. Of course, these particles are all over the world now and doing the same thing in your lungs. The range of the Alpha radiation is about 20 human cells and all are obliterated within this range.[6]

Black Star shows tracks of Alpha particles in an Ape's lung, much like yours alpha_ana

It is a simple matter for the US Department of Defense and affiliated agencies to request tissue samples from obliging and cooperative medical examiners across the country. The actual radiation poisoning levels of the population can be tracked this way. That way the DOD accurately tracks the Gamma and Beta radiation in the United States’ population and the increase in radiation poisoning over time.

It is incorrect to assume that the DOD will tell Americans anything about their radioactive status. That is not their job.  That task is left to the EPA which analyzes and prepares the data for public release after consultation with state and federal officials. No data or public announcements have yet been made except the familiar “There is No Immediate Danger.” That is to say you won’t get sick and die in the the next few seconds. It is probably quite true, actually.

There are exceptions, of course. An excursion inside the exploded reactor buildings in Japan will take you down immediately.

Last week a reader asked a question about Cesium137 in the atmosphere and air travel. Of course, there are about 2,000 other radioactive isotopes with the Cesium137. The Cesium137 and all its radioactive cousins are in the air and airplane with you. That is certainly not a good thing, it is called radiation poisoning.

There is a lot of discussion on line and face to face in meetings, large and small, whether there is more Rad or less Rad at 40,000 ft, or 12 192 meters. A person certainly is moving through more air at speed than when on the ground. This is all the more reason to have your own radiation meter if you travel by air since the Rad gets in the airplane.

The radioactive material gets all over the aircraft, too, inside and out. The Rad has the same aging, embrittling, poisonous effect on metal, plastic, fasteners and other items in airplanes as it does in people. Radiation is just really, really nasty stuff. Look up the Wigner Effect when you get a chance. You’ll be glad you did.

Eugene Wigner

It is named after Mr. Wigner, who discovered it. Wigner was another of Ed Teller’s long time acquaintances. Teller was the director of the Livermore Nuke Weapons Lab, in Livermore, CA.

They knew all about the Wigner effect at the Lab, the government knew it… everybody except the people out in the general public; the ones who still fly in airplanes subject to the Wigner effect.[7] They did not know it then; they do not know it now. They are Shorts, however.

Sources and Notes

1. The Radiation charts and graphs of the EPA at  Don’t skip the “2” in www2.

2. The EPA based reporting of, an LLC.

3. * This station’s Radiation equals combined Beta and Gamma Radiation. Note: Not all locations have reporting Beta Radiation Monitors. Gamma Radiation Monitors are functioning at all these locations.

4. “…If you pollute when you DO KNOW there is NO safe dose with respect to causing extra cases of deadly cancers or heritable effects, you are committing premeditated random murder.” – John W. Gofman, Ph.D., M.D. (1918-2007), associate director, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 1963-1969) — Comments on a Petition for Rulemaking to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, May 21, 1994.

5. CPM. “Although we can’t see it, taste it, smell it or hear it we can measure radiation and observe its effects. One way to measure radiation which the United States Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] has chosen to use on its radiation websites is in Counts Per Minute. Each Count is One Radioactive Decay.” Quote from the ‘Your Radiation, This Week.’” Apr 3, 2015.

6. Photo by Robert Del Tredici from his book entitled At Work In The Fields Of The Bomb (Harper and Row, 1987)

7. I just got over 500,000 hits when I Googled: Wigner Effect
and I Googled: Wigner dust is everywhere

Copyright@Bob Nichols May 15 2015, Permission is granted to copy and distribute provided the text, Sources and Copyright are included.

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Our Orgonite Cloud Buster Journey

Orgonite Cloud BusterOrgonite Cloud Buster

Updated June 23, 2017 – (I changed ChemBuster to Cloud Buster)I was first introduced to Orgonite and this notion of gifting Orgonite to the environment back in 2007.

I had been doing some research related to skin cancer and stumbled across a site, where you can make donation to download and read “Toward Healthcare Emancipation”.

In that ebook, there are plans of how to make your own electronic zapper device that would work to eliminate parasites and all sorts of disease being mistreated by our current medical paradigm.

While researching electronic zapper’s I came across Don Croft’s website and read about the results Don’s clients were having.

I was fascinated with the prospect of using a simple electronic device that runs on a 9volt battery to help keep myself free from parasites (including the medical ones). And eliminate the need for harmful and gut destroying antibiotics and much more.

I love this pic of Don
I love this pic of Don

I went further in my research on Don Croft, and stumbled across information on, and which introduced me to this simple composite called Orgonite.

Gifting Orgonite

Don and Carol Croft (and many other etheric warriors) were going on gifting expeditions all over the US and documenting the results.

After reading some rather bizarre stories of gifting Orgonite around cell/death towers, gifting Orgonite to detoxify river’s, streams and ports. They used it to neutralize a huge number of federal letter agency and private contractor weaponized electronic gadgetry too.

I was intrigued and somewhat skeptical with the idea that such a simple to make composite could have such positive effects for our environment. And also reduce or eliminate the effects of electronic attack and mind control electronic devices.

My skepticism started to wane when I continued to read many stories of people from different country’s around the world who are engaged in this Orgonite gifting activity. And were witnessing and documenting the same amazing results.

Rozlyn And Edward

In July of 2011 I met Rozlyn Reynolds who is a very gifted psychic with super sensitivity to subtle energies. Roz can feel the energy being emitted by everything (no kidding). She spends much of her energy blocking and clearing energy from people and the environment. Roz and I became romantically involved in August 2011 and we are together to this day.

My skepticism about the effects of Orgonite completely disappeared when Roz could confirm the energetic qualities of the first Orgonite devices we made back in July of 2012.

Since then we’ve made hundreds of personal Orgonite pendants, keyring and pocket pieces, dozens of Orgonite Pyramids and Holy Hand Grenades, 1,850+ Orgonite Tower Busters and 14 Orgonite Cloud Buster.

Much of the Orgonite we’ve made has been gifted to the environment, friends, relatives and people in need of protection from harmful EMF in their home and work environments and also demonic, psychic and electronic attack.

We’ve had very good results keeping lower vibrational demonic entities out of peoples living and working space.

Cloud Buster Base Kit
Cloud Buster Base Kit

Of the 3000+ Orgonite devices we’ve made, the Cloud Buster is the one that excites me most. That particular device (pictured above) wasn’t made exactly to Don’s specifications.

I didn’t have any double terminated (natural points of both ends) clear quartz crystals or the budget to buy the 6 required for a Cloud Buster.

What I did was use 12 Lemurian quartz crystals I had on hand. (Note: I added 6 Brazilian double terminated quartz crystals to the base kit pipes in Oct 2016)

I placed 2 single terminated (natural point on one end) Lemurian clear quartz crystals and 2 small pieces of Citrine quartz pieces in each of the 6 pipes. With the crystal points aimed at the sky.

I custom cut small pieces of water hose and wrapped the crystals to separate and keep the crystals aligned with the 1″ copper pipe.

We added 4 additional clear quartz points, 6 Amethyst and 10 Citrine quartz pieces to the base Orgonite. I poured the fiberglass resin in 32 ounce batches (instead of Don’s recommended 64 ounce batches). Then added the aluminum shaving, spread and tamped it with a wood dowel to eliminate any metal voids in the resin.

I added the base quartz pieces in the mid sections of the base Orgonite first. Then poured the resin and added the shavings. These devices are expensive to make (with the copper pipe extensions – $319.00 out of pocket). So we don’t have any pre-made for immediate delivery.

However if you’re interested in a Cloud Buster built to Don’s exact specifications and with Rozlyn’s additional crystal formulation, follow the link below to go to the order page.

We hope you enjoyed Our Cloud Buster Journey.

Hugs n Love,

Ed & Roz

[su_button url=”” style=”flat” background=”#e51f1f” color=”#ffffff” size=”8″ center=”yes” icon=”icon: check-square-o” text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #000000″]Order A Cloud Buster Base Kit Here[/su_button]

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Your Radiation This Week – Veterans Today April 17th 2015

Original post:

Your Radiation This Week

Apr 9 to Apr 16, 2015

(San Francisco) April 17, 2015 – Good Day, this is “Your Radiation, This Week.” These are the recorded Radiation Highs that affected people this week around the United States and in your neighborhood.

Let’s get right to it.

(*Counts per Minute, 50 CPM is an alert level. Levels are in Gamma unless noted.)
309 CPM Boston, MA
217 CPM New York City
426 CPM Raleigh, NC
258 CPM Atlanta, GA
424 CPM Miami, FL
214 CPM Chicago, IL
227 CPM St Paul, MN
365 CPM Lincoln, NE, Gamma and Beta Radiation Combined CPM.
264 CPM Des Moines, IA
332 CPM Aberdeen, SD
493 CPM Rapid City, SD
388 CPM Kansas City, KA
315 CPM Tulsa, OK
435 CPM Little Rock, AR
206 CPM Dallas, TX
261 CPM Lubbock, TX
410 CPM South Valley, NM
400 CPM Albuquerque, NM
529 CPM Grand Junction, CO
875 CPM Billings, MT
333 CPM Phoenix, AZ
352 CPM Tucson, AZ
148 CPM Las Vegas, NV
324 CPM San Diego, CA
312 CPM Los Angeles, CA
225 CPM San Francisco, CA
413 CPM Spokane, WA

Across the United States from East to West and North to South, this is Your Radiation, This Week.

An unending legacy of lies from the Army and the NYT


Most people in the States wear shoes. Good thing, too. For 70 plus years radioactive materials were released in the upper and lower atmosphere by nuclear bombs, reactors, nuclear wars and other nuclear events. The Rad is clearly still being released today. No matter how high in the sky the radioactive particles are, eventually they are headed to the ground. Not to put too fine a point on it; but that is the ground you are walking on today.

We can see it kick up when we amble through some dust. Some of the dust clings to our shoes and clothes; other particles are swirled away in the air. We can sometimes see dust in the air; but, the radioactive particles are too small to see with our eyes; scanning electron microscopes are required. These radioactive particles do get on your shoes, and you, too. That is why all of us should get a pair of shoes to be worn only in the house or apartment. You change your shoes anytime you go outside. Otherwise you track radioactive material into your place.

You might ask “Does a little RadDust you can’t even see make a difference?” The answer is “Yes, it sure does.” The number of Lethal Doses packed in a tiny particle is mind boggling. Radioactive Poisons that kill billions of people per gram – that’s about one fifth of an ounce – are not unusual.

What on Earth can people do about this? Precious little, actually; what you can do is take off your outside shoes and change to your indoor shoes once inside your house or apartment. Indoor shoes that you never have worn outside.

Radiation Monitors

A reasonable priced radiation monitor has a numeric display and detects Alpha, Beta and Gamma radiation. Beeping on Warning is nice. There are many available on the market. Just set your budget and go for it. Expect to spend US$600.00 to US$1,000 more or less. Learn how to work it and what the numbers mean. Many people find it useful to place the monitor in a plastic baggie to protect it from your radioactive environment. The very one you live and work in every day!

Last Week’s Question

This was last weeks question:
Have you secured your house for operation in a radioactive environment?

No (95%, 407 Votes)
Yes (5%, 22 Votes)

Total Voters: 429

I was very surprised at the extremely low percentage [5%] of people who had secured their houses or apartments against a radioactive environment. I thought it would be 60% Max that were unprepared. A 95% not prepared rate was quite a shock. I’ll ask again in a couple of months and we’ll see what changes there are, if any.


Notifications of a Radiation Event are given by the national authority, in this case, the EPA after consultation with the given state’s local, state and federal officials.

It is clear that many cities are enduring High Radiation Levels that the Alert System was designed to warn citizens against.

To date, that I can tell, there are no High Radiation Alerts being issued in the US.

I’ve speculated that notifications are made to rich donors only; but, that is speculation only. Not announcing Radiation Warning Levels is premeditated random murder, in my opinion.

Have you heard of any “High Radiation Alerts” in the U.S. by the government?

  • No (98%, 210 Votes)
  • Yes (2%, 4 Votes)

Total Voters: 214


1. The Radiation charts and graphs of the EPA at . Don’t skip the “2” in www2.

2. The EPA based reporting of, an LLC.

3. * This station’s Radiation equals combined Beta and Gamma Radiation. Note: Not all locations have reporting Beta Radiation Monitors. Gamma Radiation Monitors are functioning at all these locations.

4. “…If you pollute when you DO KNOW there is NO safe dose with respect to causing extra cases of deadly cancers or heritable effects, you are committing premeditated random murder.” – John W. Gofman, Ph.D., M.D. (1918-2007), associate director, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 1963-1969) — Comments on a Petition for Rulemaking to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, May 21, 1994.

5. CPM. “Although we can’t see it, taste it, smell it or hear it we can measure radiation and observe its effects. One way to measure radiation which the United States Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] has chosen to use on its radiation websites is in Counts Per Minute. Each Count is One Radioactive Decay.” Quote from the ‘Your Radiation, This Week.’” Apr 3, 2015.

Here is the comment I left on VT:

Ed Movius · Works at Self-Employed

Of all the radiation in our environment, the Barium that is being released through the Geo Engineering Chemtrails is probably the most disturbing to me. I also heard on a Jim Willie ( video interview a month ago that Halliburton is dumping Cesium 136(?) off the US west coast and is responsible for the bird and fish die off there, which is being blamed on Fukushima. If you doubt that the banker controlled corporations (all federal, state, county and city governments are corporations.. World wide) are out to kill us off, this next bit of information should put it into perspective for you.

When you are born and your parents sign a birth certificate, your name becomes copyright property of the Crown Corporation in the City of London, in London England and your all caps name then becomes a corporate fiction and is monetized in the form of a security (bond). More info: So when you die or are killed, the monetized security matures and the bond owner (banksters) makes money. More info: So now you understand why they are willing to kill as many of us off as possible. It truly is all about the money.

Getting back to radiation. You can shield your family, property, home, car, work place, neighborhood, city, county, state and country from radiation with Orgonite. Orgonite is a very simple compound that is powered by quartz and works 24/7 to improve the energy in their location. I recommend you make your own Orgonite – more info: or I can make some for you very reasonably. I sell personal and environmental devices on my website How to use Orgonite – more info: Love to all.

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VT – Your Radiation, This Week


Your Radiation, This Week

These are the recorded Radiation Highs affecting people this week around the US


… by Bob Nichols,   … for Veterans Today


(San Francisco) April 3, 2015 – This is “Your Radiation, This Week.”  United States.  Let’s get right to it.


(In Counts per Minute, 50 CPM is an Alert Level)

291 CPM Boston, MA,

271 CPM New York City, NY
230 CPM Atlanta, GA
465 CPM Miami, FL
205 CPM Chicago, IL
252 CPM Des Moines, IA
371 CPM Aberdeen SD
339 CPM Kansas City, KA
347 CPM Tulsa, OK
474 CPM Little Rock, AR
423 CPM Dallas TX
316 CPM Lubbock, TX
366 CPM South Valley, NM
658 CPM Albuquerque, NM* Highest
429 CPM Grand Junction, CO
647 CPM Billings, MT
560 CPM Phoenix, AZ*
143 CPM Las Vegas, NV
514 CPM San Diego, CA
324 CPM Los Angeles, CA
228 CPM San Francisco, CA
459 CPM Spokane, WA

It's raining dead blackbirds...why?Across the United States from East to West and North to South, this is Your Radiation, This Week.

What does the Rad mean?

The radiation measurements are much higher today than years ago. The radiation from nuclear bomb detonations and reactors has been falling to the ground for these past 70 years. The radioactive products last millions and in many cases billions of years. For us, the Rad lasts effectively, forever.

Although we can’t see it, taste it, smell it or hear it we can measure radiation and observe its effects. One way to measure radiation which the United States Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] has chosen to use on its radiation websites is in Counts Per Minute. Each Count is One Radioactive Decay.

A radioactive decay occurs when a radioactive isotope annihilates itself in a radioactive explosion. This happens on a regular and methodical basis. It is worse when the explosion happens inside of you. People working for governments have devised ways to make use of this property of radioactive isotopes in nuclear bombs and reactors.

For example, 50 CPM is 50 Counts Per Minute [CPM] or 50 radioactive decays per minute. A related measure is Counts per Second [CPS.] 50 CPM is the same as 0.833 CPS, it is a per minute value divided by 60 seconds.

Fifty CPM is an alert level and has been for years for people around radiation. The alert means that the radiation level is higher than it should to be.

The Radiation Levels recorded by the EPA in the American cities listed above this past week are well beyond the old days and an alert level of 50 CPM. This radiation is not the kind of pollution than can be diluted or disappears by itself in a few days or years. The “longed lived” radiation lives much longer than this Planet will be around, according to astronomers and physicists.

How to Fix the radiation?

That question has been pursued by many people for over 70 years without an answer except for abysmal failures and constantly rising radiation levels. There is no solution in my opinion. The only thing that can be done is to store radioactive material in progressively larger boxes. The radiation destroys the boxes from the inside out. There likely will never be a solution except to stop mining Uranium.

The US government, politicians and functionaries alike cling to the destructive power of the Nuclear Bombs to maintain Control over the rest of the non-nuclear world. The US works grudgingly with the other nuclear nations on matters of governance of the Empire.

It is not likely the Nuclear Powers will change their nuclear policies on their own. I don’t know what to do there; but, there are precious few choices. This stuff gets real serious real fast.

People in Nuclear Countries Don’t Breed Well

Nuclear isotopes are drawn to human germ cells, men’s and women’s alike. This diminishes the Total Fertility Rate [TFR] of the nuclear countries and the world’s population. The nuclear countries nuke their population’s germ cells first. The TFR is something that countries can and do measure. The results are readily available. Lies show up pretty quickly.

South Korea recently cancelled a US$6 Billion dollar military equipment purchase in part because of demographics. Their abysmal TFR is 1.25 children born/woman (2014 est) according to the American CIA. The World Bank and the UN keep similar statistics. A country with a growing population is one with a TFR of more than 2.1 children born/woman. The difference is apalling.

A country that kills its children – soon doesn’t have enough personnel to adequately run a standing Army or other industries and services. It’s either nukes for a few years with dead kids and missing adults in the labor force and Army; or, a prospering growing economy, Army and country. It’s an either/or choice; a country can’t do both.

Question: If you were the President what would you do about nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons? 

A. Dump the Nukes and Bombs.

B. Continue as is.

C. Build more Nukes and Nuclear Bombs.

Check with me, Bob Nichols, on VeteransToday for the next edition of Your Radiation, This Week.

Copyright by Bob Nichols, Apr 2, 2015.


1. The Radiation charts and graphs of the EPA .

2. The EPA based reporting of, an LLC.

3. * Radiation equals combined Beta and Gamma Radiation. Note: Not all locations have working Beta Radiation Monitors. Gamma Radiation Monitors are functioning at all these locations.

4. South Korea’s TFR or Total Fertility Rate. CIA, The World Fact Book.

Here is the comment I posted

Ed Movius · Central Oregon Community College

I make and gift Orgonite here in the Verde Valley Arizona. Orgonite will help transmute radiation of every type into positive Orgone radiation. For a better understanding on how this is achieved and to learn how to make your own Orgonite devices visit
Making and gifting Orgonite is a passive and simple way to help decontaminate our environment from harmful radiation and toxicity of every kind. Placing a Tower Buster on the 4 corners of your property (more for larger properties), the 4 outside corners of your house, the 4 corners of your sleeping quarters will greatly reduce the negative effects of radiation. I suggest placing a TB by each headlight and tail light in your car or truck as well. If you really want to get after it, you can start with your property and grid out from there placing a TB every 100 to 200 feet or so. Gifting particularly negative area’s of any city will clear the air and transmute the negativity being generated there by industry and people too.
If you’re interested in obtaining some Tower Buster’s right now, I am having a sale on my website where you can buy TB’s for as little as $3 each (normally $4.95 each).
Much love to all and happy gifting!

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Nobody Wants To Hear About It

Updated June 23, 2017

No one wants to hear that cellphones can cause cancer, because everybody has a cellphone.

We have a problem that no one is interested in hearing. The problem is that cellphones can cause cancer. Cellphones / Smartphones emit microwave radiation and it has been proven to damage your brain cells. Examples can be found here and here and here.

New Ager’s think that if you think about thing’s like cellphones and cancer, you’ll attract that into your experience, so it’s best to IGNORE it and go on with life.

I think there is some truth about drawing into your experience that which you focus on. A cellphone is a device that emits microwave radiation that is harmful to biological life. Cellphones can cause cancer and it does not care if you’re thinking about it or not. Not thinking about it won’t neutralize the radiation, but Orgonite will.

Yes, I’m as addicted to these amazing devices as anyone. But I have Orgonite on my old beat up Samsung S4, as you can see in the image below. I have a tower buster on my laptop and one next to my MiFi.

So here’s some suggestions,

1) Text instead of talk.

2) If you do need to talk, don’t put your cellphone up to your ear, use it on speaker and keep it at least 12 inches from your head

3) If you have children, limit their use of cellphones as they are at high risk for cell damage because their brains absorb twice as much radiation as adults.

4) Stick a piece of Orgonite to your cellphone / WiFi / MiFi / Tablet / Laptop to help neutralize / harmonize the electromagnetic radiation they emit. If you buy it from me (great) or not, just get some!

Having a piece of Orgonite on your phone show’s you have some consideration for others, like your children, family and friends.

If you want to shield your home and property from the effects of environmental radiation influences, bury 4 or more tower busters on corner’s of your property, then bury some more just outside the building envelope of your home. I have several examples of this process on this page here. Depending on where your proximity to cell tower’s, electric sub-stations, transformer’s etc, you may need some more tower busters inside your house.

Did the power company install a Smart-meter on your property? Stick (caulking or Goop) 4 tower busters around the outside of the Smart-meter. Smear the caulking or Goop on the larger flat circular surface of the tower buster and press and hold onto the wall in a square pattern around the Smart-meter. Doing this will help neutralize / harmonize the electromagnetic radiation spikes that Smart-meter’s emit 3 to 30 times an hour.

Eventually the FCC and the cell phone industry will be called out on all the damage they are doing to humanity and the environment. They will be forced to adopt a range of frequencies that are not harmful to biological life. Until then, use Orgonite to shield yourself, your property and loved ones.

I have a friend who just moved out to Dewey Arizona. He is using a cellphone signal booster to amplify the weak signal reaching his house.

He texted me this morning to tell me that he had to move the tower buster away from the cellphone booster because they were blocking reception. I view this as confirmation the TB’s are working.

[su_button url=”” style=”flat” background=”#e51f1f” color=”#ffffff” size=”8″ center=”yes” icon=”icon: check-square-o” text_shadow=”0px 0px 0px #000000″ desc=”To Protect Your Loved Ones”]How to Use Orgonite[/su_button]


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Wireless radiation causes cancer, according to the latest scientific findings

Wireless radiation causes cancer, according to the latest scientific findings

cell towers( The National Association for Children and Safe Technology (NACST) is calling on children’s health and cancer prevention organizations to make the issue of children’s exposure to wireless radiation in educational facilities a priority for 2015.

A 2014 study on wireless radiation, by the Hardell Group in Sweden, found a 3-fold risk with twenty-five years or more of cordless and cell phone use. Perhaps more worrying is the finding that people who first used cell or cordless phones before the age of twenty had the highest risk.

The science is clear: Cell phone use increases our risk of cancer

Another study by the same researchers found a correlation between wireless phone use and lower survival rates for people diagnosed with the most malignant form of brain tumor, gliomas. These two studies followed the CERENAT study which found that, “risks were higher for gliomas, temporal tumors, occupational and urban mobile phone use. “

The biggest wireless study carried out, the $25 million Interphone Study, found that: “regular use of a cell phone by adults can significantly increase the risk of gliomas by 40% with 1640 hours or more of use (this is about one half hour per day over ten years).” Given the established and emerging science, the NACST calls for students to be provided with a safe learning environment, free from wireless radiation.

Wireless technology – in educational settings – pose a serious threat to children’s health

The nations schools are now rife with wireless exposures because, as the NACST states, “there has been a national movement to digitalize learning in our schools”. The NACST points out these high exposures in classrooms are caused by:

  • Industrial strength routers
  • Thirty or more handheld devices or laptops – which all emit radiation

These exposures represent an unprecedented health risk to children because they are being exposed 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, for their entire school careers. This is in addition to their exposures outside of the educational setting, which given that most children now have cell phones and most homes are equipped with Wi-Fi is not inconsequential.

Children absorb up to ten times more radiation than adults

Children are more vulnerable than adults to the effects of wireless radiation for a variety of reasons:

  • Their bodies are still developing and the impacts of chronic exposure to radiation are more profound.
  • Research shows children absorb up to ten times more radiation than adults.
  • Safe limits for children have never been established.

This is an urgent ‘call for action’.

The National Association for Children and Safe Technology wants to see the following changes – immediately:

1. All new school technology should be hardwired.

2. All existing wireless systems should be replaced with hardwired systems.

3. The implementation of primary prevention efforts. The public needs to be educated as to the simple steps they can take to reduce exposure.

EMF exposures linked to a long list of chronic diseases

We forget that electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are all around us because we can’t see them, touch them or taste them. These exposures are linked to a long list of adverse biological effects including DNA damage and many serious diseases including cancer, brain tumors, and cardiovascular disease. The Bioinitiative Report details these adverse effects extensively.

EMFs come in different shapes and forms. There are 3 common forms of EMFs present in our homes, schools and places of work:

  • Magnetic fields – wherever current flows magnetic fields are present. The more current that flows the higher the magnetic field that is generated.
  • Electric fields – created by variations in voltage, these EMFs are present even if no current is flowing.
  • Radio frequency radiation – commonly known as wireless or cell phone radiation.

How dangerous are the EMF fields lurking inside your home?

Many common household devices emit all three forms of EMFs to a lesser or greater extent. For instance cell phones emit primarily radio frequency radiation but the battery in a cell phone is also the source of low level magnetic and electric fields.

Household wiring is a source of magnetic and electric fields, if there are wiring errors the magnetic fields can be significant. But household wiring can also be a source of radio frequency since the wiring system in your home can act as an antenna, emitting and receiving ambient radio frequency signals.

Take action and protect yourself from harm.

Measuring with an EMF meter is the only way to know what your exposures are. A good starter meter is the Trifield EMF meter* – since it can measure electric, magnetic and radio frequency radiation. Though admittedly it’s sensitivity to radio frequency radiation is quite limited. Nevertheless, it’s a good choice of meter because it combines three meters in one and it’s very easy to use.

Once you have a good EMF meter it’s child’s play to detect the EMFs in your environment. Slowly go through each of the rooms in your house, taking readings for each type of radiation and then eliminate or mitigate the hotspots.

Studies show that EMFs impact the quality of our sleep and the production of melatonin, an important hormone. Because of this the best place to start is the bedroom. Anything electrical in the bedroom is a potential source of EMFs.

That also means making sure your kids don’t sleep with their cell phones on. Better still don’t allow them to use their cell phone in the bedroom.

Your children need protecting at school but also you do need to take the necessary steps to protect them, and yourself, at home from these potentially very harmful exposures.

About the author: Lloyd Burrell is the founder of His website offers solutions to the growing number of people whose health is being compromised by exposure to wireless and similar technologies. Download his free EMF Health Report today!


Is The Trifield 100XE The Best EMF Meter?

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