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An Article from 2006 – Cell Phones And Wireless Dangers – The Fundamentals

By Arthur Firstenberg
October 5, 2007

Cell Phones And Wireless Dangers – The Fundamentals (Oct 7, 2007)

Original title:
The Largest Biological Experiment Ever

Introductory Remarks by Sepp Hasslberger

It is getting quite difficult to imagine a world without mobile communications. Wireless internet access is set to blanket the planet, just like cell phone networks already do. There has been an explosive development – practically all during the last three decades – that brought mobile to the farthest corners of the earth. But the technology is not without danger. The microwaves that carry bits and packets of data also carry a germ of destruction. Some people – as many as 120,000 Californians – and by implication 1 million Americans – are actually unable to work as they suffer from the incapacitating influence that this cacophony in the ether has on them.

We might say they are the unlucky ones who have to suffer for progress to continue – but have you ever heard of canaries in the mines? They were the first ones to die when a potentially deadly but otherwise undetectable accumulation of “mine gas” threatened the lives of the miners working underground. What if those 120.000 Californians and the one million Americans and by extension tens of millions of people world wide are in a very real sense our equivalent of deep-mine canaries? Are we not ignoring their plight at our own very imminent peril?

Arthur Firstenberg, himself a sufferer of what the Russians call “microwave sickness” has put together the salient facts about the largest biological experiment ever, in a very readable article published in the Eldorado Sun.

We cannot call ourselves informed in the wireless debate unless we start looking at its dark side as well as all the positive aspects. Firstenberg’s article is as good as any to get us going in this direction …continue reading >>>

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A Don Croft Article from 2002

Don Croft

Orgone Generator F.A.Q.

Don Croft
I love this pic of Don

By Don Croft <>
August, 2002

I’m beginning this FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS essay because it tears my heart out to consider the pain that newcomers to the Chembuster forum are experiencing as they wade through the volume of posts to glean a basic understanding of the process we Chembuster aficionados are involved in ( ). I’ll keep adding to it as new questions arise.  Our original cloudbuster chat forum at yahoo was sabotaged by covert agents who prevented me from posting and moderating the site. They also deleted importantt messages and cut people off from posting on a regular basis. So we mostly post our current messages at the new site above, since we have a secure server there.  It’s still worth going to the old site, however,  to look at the early messages and search the archive for many good articles and photos. The old cloudbuster forum is located at: http://groups/ . (

This is NOT, NOT, NOT a scientific essay or to be used to formally promote our ideas and I’m the first to admit that I don’t fully understand what I’m doing, but I have gathered some observations over the past year of my Chembuster career that I’d like to share in this format. You must use your discretion and not blindly accept any of these ideas or conclusions.

‘Orgone Generator’ is a term I’m using advisedly, of course, since all things are generated from orgone.   In fact, these devices primarily draw in unbalanced orgone, revitalize it, and send it back out again. There are other things happening, but I’m going to concern myself mainly with that process in this essay.

‘Orgone Accumulators’ draw in and concentrate orgone and send it back out again. When they draw in unbalanced orgone, they send it back out as unbalanced orgone, so one needs to use them in a place where there is more good orgone than the bad stuff.

I made orgone accumulators for a time before I  investigated more information about orgone generators which I learned about from a customer of mine who had obtained a small device from the internet and had paid quite a bit of money for it. ‘Hey—it’s nothing but metal particles embedded in epoxy!’  My customer was a little irate, since he paid a lot of money for that, but I was elated by the possibilities, since this device was obviously putting out a lot more orgone than the accumulators I was making and using.

In fact, orgone generators are made by mixing equal parts, by volume, of metal particles and organic matrix material, such as epoxy resin and polyester resin. ‘Organic’ means ‘hydrocarbon,’ not necessarily something from a garden that you eat.

The metal in the mix can be ANY metal, but very fine particles, like the brass grindings from a key-making machine, and very large pieces, are less effective than BBs and spiral shavings and particles from a machine shop.

Contrary to the vehement objections of some researchers, aluminum is perfectly alright to use for orgone accumulators and orgone generators. I used nothing but aluminum foil and saran wrap for my numerous accumulators and the effects actually exceeded (in my opinion) the effects of the very bulky accumulators conventionally used by Reich devotees, probably because they were more adaptable, compact, even portable. This is just one instance of my karma running over someone else’s dogma.  I wasn’t the only person making effective orgone accumulators with aluminum, of course.

I’ve requested a rational explanation from the Reich experts who told me that aluminum is forbidden as a component in orgone devices, but have been met with stoic silence from them on that subject. I refrain from mentioning their names out of respect and I don’t want to embarrass them. These experts have had plenty to say to me otherwise, so maybe someday they’ll produce a rational argument—possibly after at least one of them has tried our newer methods.

My daughter, Nora, was living with me when I started experimenting with orgone generators three years ago.  She went through death at age five and was able to see subtle energies after that, so I put her to work when she was eleven, evaluating the energy patterns and strength of the various orgone generator configurations I was making. Nora’s living with her mom now, but my new wife, Carol, also has the gift of seeing subtle energies and she and I came up with the configurations we’re using for the Chembuster, Holy Handgrenade, St. Buster’s Button, and Harmonic Protector (thereapeutic orgone generator, used on the body).

SO—here are the basic components of an orgone generator:  equal parts resin and metal particles, quartz crystal/s aligned in the direction you wish the orgone to travel (crystals also inherently organize chaotic energy and act as extensions of a person’s will). Pipes open on one end, the other embedded in the generator, are added to enhance the orgone flow and/or the draw of unbalanced orgone, and the lengths, diameter and number of pipes are a factor.

We are pioneers with this technology, but are by no means experts, nor do we fully understand the process. We’re happy to leave that to others who are more intelligent and have the inclination to analyze it correctly.
As pioneers, though, we’re apparently way ahead of anyone coming to this from even the most august and reputable of scientific, even metaphysical backgrounds. The long trail of letters behind one’s name won’t open the door to understanding this essentially simple process, I’m sorry to say, and only one’s own experiential observation and instincts will bring understanding.

Among the current Chembuster veterans, there are the unemployed and unskilled, as well as doctors, engineers and scientists, and the former are certainly no less successful in their efforts than the latter. In fact, the latter actually are struggling with a handicap, since a lot of what is happening in front of them contradicts their science paradigm, and that tends to hamper their integration process a bit.  There’s a lot to be said for formal education, but one who has earned letters does need to contend with ‘the dust of acquired knowledge’ that tends to obscure the human heart and instincts.

Assuming that you’ve read the instructions for the orgone generating devices, I’ll just start listing the Qs and As. Please excuse the apparent disorder. Maybe some inspired soul with a better sense of order will organize and edit  this someday… continue reading >>>

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Are EMF’s Damaging Your Health?

I found this video below on this web page where there are many links to information regarding all aspects of electromagnetic frequencies / radiation. Also many topics of interest on that website.

Orgonite will transmute these effects to a large degree. I do agree that we should go back to CAT5 cables and turn off the WiFi’s in our schools and homes.

What I find so nefarious are the frequencies that are being used. What hidden agenda is behind using frequencies for all of these devices that damage cells of all living thing’s? There are electromagnetic frequencies that do no damage whatsoever, that could be used in cellphone and WiFi devices, why aren’t they available now? Why isn’t the industry transitioning away from the current harmful devices? and introducing devices that do no harm?

If you have any answers, questions or comments, please post them below.

I will be posting more article’s related to this topic in the near future. You can receive these updates via email by subscribing on the upper right side.

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Coconut Oil and Baking Soda

Coconut Oil and Baking Soda Works

Coconut Oil &Baking SodaA few months back I read an article on Collective Evolution about a woman who used coconut oil and baking soda to shrink and heal a nasty looking basal cell carcinoma on her mothers scalp. There are some images of the process on that page.

I worked as a carpenter / contractor in Big Bear Lake California since I graduated from High School in 1973 to until 2006. The small community of Big Bear averages 335 days a year of sunshine and has a base altitude of 6700 feet above sea level. My exposure to the intense sunshine resulted in some squamous cell, basal cell and melanoma appearing mostly on my face.


The Treatments

I’ve used 3 (including the coconut oil and baking soda) ointments for topical application.

A Concoction of Herbs From Montana

An acquaintance in Oregon mentions a treatment for cancer that came from a family in Montana who don’t want to be mentioned over the Internet, and it worked just as they said it would.

Black Salve from Central America

Several years later I read some information about a Black Salve which can be purchase from a company in central America. The black salve worked just as they said it would. It was unfortunate that it also burned my skin adjacent the skin cancer which made the healing process take a little longer.

Both of the previous 7 day processes were rather painful.


I had a melanoma starting (sorry no pictures) next to my left eye and it had grown rather quickly from a tiny spec to the diameter of a pencil eraser in a matter of 2 weeks.

Here is what I did. I made a thick ointment of coconut oil (1 part) and baking soda (3 parts) at a 1 to 3 ratio (approximately – add more baking soda to thicken) and using my index finger I rubbed some on the nasty mole. Within 3 days it shrunk up, turned black and fell off during my sleep. There was soreness in the immediate area of the mole, but that was it.

I continue to use the coconut oil and baking soda daily and have had a similar experience with a large mole on the back of my right leg. The mole is in the process of shrinking and turning black too. This particular mole has been there for years, so it has some deep roots and is reacting to the ointment slowly.

Cancer can’t live in an alkaline environment. Do your own research. Sodium bicarbonate / baking soda is very alkaline and thus the coconut oil and baking soda worked well for me.

June 22 2017 Update

Basal Cell Carcinoma and Detox Foot Baths

I was introduced to Ionic Detox Foot Baths back in 2011. Rozlyn and I decided that this therapy was very effective in helping your body with the detox process. I offer ionic detox foot baths in my office in Sedona Arizona, located at Sedona Soul Sisters.

I had the opportunity to give myself and 4 ladies a series of 14 detox foot baths. We are all over 50 years of age and decided to do one every 3 days.  Here’s what the ladies had to say.

I observed that the basal cell carcinoma on my nose disappeared half way through the series of 14 foot baths. Unfortunately it did reappear 2 months after we finished the foot bath series.

The ladies observed a healthy difference in their skin quality. Their age spots were disappearing. They felt invigorated. Some positive effects from a simple detox treatment.


These treatments worked for me, it may not work for everyone. This is not intended for medical advice, anyone who reads this takes full responsibility for their actions. I will not be held liable for the statements made.

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Piezo-Electric Fields, Vortex Based Mathematics

Updated June 22 2017

This first segment is a video in which Randy Powell talks about Vortex Based Mathematics and its ability to relate to everything in this Universe. You’ll see that the model he demonstrates can be used to express everything from our DNA to the Milkyway Galaxy and beyond. My personal interest is how this Torus / Vortex effect is exactly how I understand a Piezoelectric fields to operate, which is the same as our Aura field.. and apparently is how our / this Universe works as well . Fascinating stuff.

Published on Oct 12, 2014

Go to YouTube and use the search term “Vortex Based Mathematics” and checkout what comes up. This in my honest opinion, is how our Universe operates, which is in direct contradiction to how the “powers that were” would have us believe it to be.

Bravo to Randy Powell and Marco Rodin for opting to “open source” this technology for the benefit of Mankind and Mother Earth, versus selling it to a mega corporation for the benefit of a few wealthy and tyrannical psychopaths, who would shelve it.

Piezo-electric Fields

This next image was found on and demonstrates this Vortex / Torus / Toroid effect in the above video.

TorusEffectThe Piezo-electric fields is what is created when catalyzed resin shrinks on the Quartz Crystals in every piece of Orgonite I make. By wearing Orgonite, or by placing tower busters around your home, property and vehicle, you’re raising the vibration / energy field which transmutes / neutralizes lower frequency vibrations like those emitting from cellphones, cellphone towers, and every electrical cable, appliance etc and effectively shielding you and your loved ones from their harmful effects.

For those people who are highly sensitive to energies associated with higher density population area’s, Orgonite effectively shields / neutralizes those irritating frequencies, allowing for long, calm and pleasant stays in that environment.

Orgonite works effectively the same way to neutralize highly energetic people who have a tendency to throw their negative Chi around. Wear an Orgonite piece on your person to be less effected by their energetic blasts or gift them an Orgonite plain piece and stick it to their cellphone. Observe the results. You’ll be amazed.

Orgonite works well with agitated pets. Place an Small Pillar on your dogs collar and you’ll notice the difference.
Our dog Rudy loves his small pillar keyring art piece. Tower Busters in the 4 corners of your animals stall or barn will reduce anxiety amongst those animals inside the Orgonite envelope or those in close proximity.

My experience with a highly sensitive client (added June 22, 2017)

My Sweetheart Rozlyn Reynolds is a founding partner at Sedona Soul Sisters Metaphysical Center in Sedona Arizona. I am the Soul Sisters webmaster and a member of the Sedona Soul Sisters Co-Op. A new Soul Sister referred a woman to me for a series of Ionic Detox Foot Baths.

Connie (not her real name) suffers from various ailments which have left her highly sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies, among other issues. At one point she could not be anywhere near area’s with electric power lines. She spent a great deal of time out in the wilderness, just to escape the effects of EMF and to get a good nights sleep.

Connie’s condition was being revealed to me over a series of 1 hour detox foot baths. At one point she mentioned feeling fuzzy headed and having brain fog. In that moment it dawned on me to have her try on a small Orgonite pendant. Connie had previously mentioned that Orgonite didn’t work for her.

I left the room and picked out a small trapezoid Orgonite pendant off the display rack. I said maybe this will help as I placed in over her head and around her neck. At the same time, she stated that her brain fog was gone. For a few moments she was in disbelief. She then took it off.. and put it back on, each time feeling the brain fog disappear. When she finally embraced the fact that the pendant was helping her, she was elated!

Since then Connie told me she wears the pendant almost continuously. The only time she takes it off is for showering and when she’s sleeping. She said that she would wear it to bed, but was afraid her kitty’s would chew the tether.

It was wonderful for Rozlyn and I to receive the positive feedback.

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Ken Rohla: How to Neutralize Radiation and Chemtrails From the Sky, Your Garden, and Your Body – YouTube Video

Note from Ed ~ Ken Rohla does a wonderful presentation on practical ways to eliminate radiation from our bodies, environment, property etc. Ken talks specifically about Orgonite at 1:04:00.

Fresh And Alive

Uploaded on Nov 3, 2011
Note: opposing viewpoints are welcome, rude comments will be deleted before posting.
Fresh And Alive founder Ken Rohla tells how to protect yourself and your environment from the heavy metals and radioactive nuclides in the atmosphere encircling the globe from nuclear accidents like Chernobyl, Fukushima, over 2,000 nuclear bomb tests, and more. Ken also discusses how to get into deep sleep states at night, ORMUS minerals, scalar energy, mechanics of the mind-body connection, and many other advanced natural health topics.